Before we went on our other adventure, we celebrated Henry's birthday. I surprised him with a cake, and he was... surprised. Mmm. Just thinking about it makes my heart go all wobbly. Just because I did it out of lurrve. ;)
We went to the Taronga Zoo one morning. Took Mara's car and drove there even though we could have taken a ferry. Before we went, I asked around to find out what the zoo was like. Most people raved about it, so we expected quite a lot. In a simple sense, it was quite a let down. But! As always, we had tonnes of fun. There was a cable car ride that takes you above the zoo so you can see all the animals from there, and that was probably the highlight of the trip. So here are the pictures. It's timeless, since the taronga zoo will always be there! Oh, and we bought a little wombat soft toy as souvenir, and named him Taronga, of course. ;)
I'm updating because tomorrow Henry and I are going to Cairns for a four day three night holiday. Initially we planned to go to Fiji thinking it would make more financial sense, but after some calculations, it turns out it would cost the same no matter where we are in the world. But still wanting a tropical blue-water type holiday, Henry decided on Cairns. Last weekend we went snorkelling with our neighbour, JT, to Shelly Beach. It was the first time I'd tried snorkelling (in sub-zero temperatures, no less) and because Henry and I got so excited, he booked a trip to the great barrier reef on Saturday so that we can go and snorkel! :) The last time we managed to spot a stingray, a sea urchin and lots of other fishes. JT seems to know all their names but I... don't. JT took some pictures with his camera so that will be up in another entry. Hopefully we'll see some other wildlife in the great barrier reef! I'm really excited. It's likely that Henry and I won't be in the same country for our second year anniversary so this is the celebration, brought forward. He bought me a gorgeous turqoise dress for this month's anniversary, so we'll be using that at our nice dinner by the beach. :) Ooh... very excited!
But this entry is about Taronga Zoo.
So, here are the pictures. :)
Our first picture of the trip was Henry and his brief encounter with a just-as-curious duck. Say cheese!

Can't come to an Australia Zoo and not pay your respects to them kangeroos, can ya? I did a little better and got upclose and personal.

Our guide for the trip. Not a very good one at that... He was trying to find 'Wild Australia'.

Stopped by this little... chinese garden-esque thing in the middle of zoo. Don't ask me what it was doing there, but we always welcome a reason for a picture.

Took a little ice cream break and had a little fun with it.

We watched the seal show. Very different from the one in Singapore, but entertaining nonetheless.

Saw some gorillas...

And some lazy lions...

Spotted a nice photo opportunity (there's peacock in the background, I'm sure you can see it).

We watched a bird show (which was situated very nicely with the bridge for a backdrop), and I managed to get this shot of the sunlight and this massive eagle. It doesn't look so massive in this picture, but it really was a huge and pretty amazing creature.

Another pretty amazing creature is the one Henry is trying to emulate here. Awww. :)

Took the cable car, and this was the view from it. The next picture is the harbour, which was that backdrop of the bird show. I love Sydney for this reason. The warm sun, the blue waters... There's always time to appreciate.

My love and the harbour.

And a little bit of education on what bears eat, to end this animall journey off. :)

Well well well, and there you have it. This weekend we see animals of a different kind, in the wild, in the water. I'm really getting used to this appreciation of wildlife and nature. Kind of puts the world into perspective and shows you that it's not all about the money, the fashion or the concrete, although that is always inviting.
Noise: UKTV