The reason why I haven't exactly been 'around' is because a) I do not have MSN at the office. I should try and work around the system, I know. Hmm. b) I have been so content with coming home and watching the crime and comedy channel that there just seems to be no need to open this laptop other than to play my bubble game before I sleep. c) I've logged on to before, but never got beyond the first sentence.
That all ends NOW, because I am adament about finishing this post, and finish it I WILL.
Right so let's see... where did I leave off. Hmm. So I was watching the marathon of Australia's next top model. The next day, we went for Michelle (Leslie)'s first fashion show (since released from the Bali jail) and met Michael Azzollini (the designer of the swimwear), and also the runner up for Australia's next top model, Jessie! It was so funny because I was rooting for her while watching the program, and the next day we actually MET her. Such things just.. don't happen. Azzollini also happens to be the 'Jay Manuel' of the Australia's NTM reality program, and as he met Henry on this boat party that was going on before I arrived, we managed to say hi to him too! He did say 'Oh so YOU'RE the girlfriend' to me, which did make me pleased inwardly. Nice to know my Rimmer is doing his rounds and spreading the word. Ha.
Miche in all her swimwear glory. Oh she got a lot of press for this one, but rightfully so anyway. She does look stunning.

The next big occurrence was the 'dereliction'. Henry and I went through a "rough patch", and were basically forced to eat Hungry Jack's (aka Burger King) at a petrol station. I mean, it doesn't get worse than greasy burgers and Fanta Orange. But we embraced our forlorn plight with such dire (albeit feigned) optimism. After all, we WERE experiencing something new together. Kudos to couple exploration; don't we look pleased:

Something else relatively major happened. We've (mummy, Aus, and I) bought an apartment!! YAY!!! I will definitely put pictures up later on, but for now, we're moving to The Bayshore Park at East Coast, and everyone (well, almost) is very happy. It's on the 24th storey (I've always wanted high storey), we live in the East (my brother has this affinity for the beach and the East in general), we have 2 pools (I've always yearned for a pool!), and the only thing that we lack is a nice kitchen and washing area, which was mum's desire. However, what we have for a kitchen is pretty cosy, I think. Anyway. Mum and Aus are packing and getting ready to move in about.. June. All my clothing laid out on the floor:

And, all my clothing nicely packed (or shoved, rather) into the cupboard:

Much better, I know. But it really puts things into perspective. Must NEVER say that I have no clothes ever again. Because I have enough to start a business. Goodness.
Last Friday, it was FHM handlebar mustache day. The boys got their beards out - some did 2 weeks of prep, others, 1. Some just.. had no facial hair whatsoever. Scary. But this is how it turned out eventually. The fire-y thing was edited by the FHM guys - it's going in the magazine. Well, needless to say, Emap happy hour on Friday was most entertaining, with these mafia drug lord types patrolling the bar, and chugging down the occasional bear. Occasional. (Look at my Henry. Isn't he just so... yeah, english drug lord mob type-y. Ha.)

Friday was also the 'prize giving' day - the finals of the Super 5 touch rugby competition happened on Wednesday. Australian Mountain Bike (MY team) VS Tracks. AMB had never lost a game this season, till the finals. Boo hoo. Tracks, aka The Raging Homosexuals (goodness knows why) delivered their victory in a most stressful game. I found myself screaming in disappointment and vocally encouraging my team. Oh heavens. Me and touch rugby. HMM.
Cristian Campano from FHM was also referee of the finals, and had a fair share of verbal abuse thrown his way. In retaliation, he did the prize presentation on the TABLE at the bar: $300 of beer money and a trophy. The trophy was actually a... lamp. They stuck a picture of the Super 5 logo, and the team's name at the bottom. How creative. This is one of the Tracks members holding up the 'trophy'. See the cash?

Lastly, Henry and I had a quiet weekend this time. We had pizza night, and watched Love Actually because recently we've both been feeling rather festive; particularly Christmas-y. Just because it's 10.30 at night now and I'm tired, here's a quick picture of us and our pizza! Mine's the one that's covered with olives, Henry's got the tomato one. It was absoultely exquisite. Best pizza I've had for awhile, just because we could be so generous with what we wanted. Here's we go: Myself on one side of the counter, Henry on the other.

To end off this entry, I've decided to leave you all with a shot that makes me happy. Our slices of pizza, our new dining table, my laptop (to watch Love Actually on), and wine. It was such a gratifying and simply... lovely weekend, one that I will always remember as something indispensably momentousl. Lovady, I love you lovady. :)

Noise: Some hawaii type music from Roberto's laptop.
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