I have found something in me that has decided to post an entry.
It's not going to have many words, just pictures.
So... here goes.
Major events that have taken place since the last major event goes on as such.
My story in Elle was published, everything went fine and dandy. I'll post pictures of that another time. :)
Met Nat and had dinner at a realllly nice and cosy place called three monkeys or something. Brisbane is like Sydney, just with a lot more space less people. It was so nice to catch up with Nat though. It's times like that that you really appreciate all the effort you put into a friendshp because no matter how little you see of each other, you'll know that when you do it'll be like there was no distance in the first place.

Henry bought me this hugeee bouquet of Australian native flowers. The flower in the picture hadn't bloomed, but when it did it was so beautiful. He wrapped all my gifts and here we have the birthday flower, kind of like the Christmas tree. So all my presents were by the flower. Gifts included cosmetics (lots of it), Annie, King and I, Sound of music DVD (I'd been searching for them for agesss), a really gorgeous canvas print of us and little treats like manicure stuff and a toffee apple. :) My birthday cake consisted of a few small cakes, which was ideal - there was even a durian one!

Birthday Area.

Art Attempt.

The next major event that took place was when I chopped most of my hair off. Ok, I didn't chop it. Henry paid $90 to some... stranger to do that. It was actually $130, but those lovely ladies who were gushing over Henry decided to give me a discount, albeit reluctantly - it was just because it wouldn't seem right if only Henry got the discount, right? So here are some examples of how I look now. Obviously that was some time ago so now my hair is slightly longer. It is true, your hair grows faster when you trim it. I haven't had short hair since I was in sec 2 (5 years ago) so this was quite a feat for me. But I figured, I'm in Sydney, life is good, so... why not? It's just hair.

Catching the Sunlight.

Ice Cream on my day out.

It was, in a single word, AMAZING. Maybe 20,000 people? When the people jumped to the songs, the floor vibrated. Literally. It was SO good. That final night was just awe-inspiring. It was particularly special for me because I've loved Hillsong's music for so long now. I started learning the guitar to their songs, I memorized the words... and their music and lyrics really had an impact. Here's a shot from the opening. There's more but... maybe later.
Look at all the people.

Some pretty lorikeets have been visiting our patio/garden area for awhile now, so after feeding them some bread, Henry and I decided to head to Woolworths to get them a lolly treat. Here's some pictures of the birds as well as us as we set up for our friendly visitors!
That's our porch/patio/garden/view.

Feed the Birds.


Fixing Up.

Final Touches.

Friend from Singapore, and student in Perth. She and her mom came over to Sydney for a week's holiday and shopping and we met up with them for a quick hot chocolate and bagel. Check out my outfit - clad in snowboarding gear. I know, this action sports thing is really starting to affect me.
Oxford Street.

Or at least we tried. The humpback whales and... this other kind of whale, well they're migrating and were passing by Sydney so Henry and I drove up to call them to come to the surface. Unfortunately... they didn't want to come out and play. :( But! We saw a lovely rainbow that arched over the city of Sydney and admired it from a distance, enjoyed the expanse of the tasmanian sea and had lots of fun making some new pelican friends (lorikeets and pelicans... Henry and I have a lovely social life).
Me - whale-spotting. Or not.

Yeah, we know, the whales are in the ocean. But the greenery was enticing too!

--- ---
Time out:
Something is up with my internet, it keeps saying that I can't upload anymore pictures. Hmm. Picture overload. Tomorrow, then. Or... next month. :)
Better send some love to S. R. Nathan then. I'm sure you miss the NDPs' already!
How's it going? You look, fat.
I keed I keeeeeed =D
That is fantastic to hear CCCC =)
Made my day!
I'm glad you, and your college friend, enjoy the song. There's more acoustic stuff back on the purevolume page if you can still remember the link. I won't spam it, but thank you for remembering that I do make music ha ha! There are lyrics up as well, just in case you are curious.
And 5 weeks left? That's hilarious, I could have sworn you've only just left. Weather is atrocious in Singapore now, take your time!
Got a name for your belly?
Haw haw!
I have been resting.
How's work, anything interesting?
Trust you to go whale watching and end up cam whoring in the bushes. Teehee.
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