David Chin, your absinthe will be missed.

Jimmy and the ladies.

Pucker up! Maybe not...

This one's for you JESS! And Juli.. and Ping.. and.. and.. all you female bodies. Blu from Cebu on the left.

I can almost hear Cash's... 'Where's... the.. sunshine....'

Model smile... :)

View from below.

My capo de fusca!

So it was my last friday night for a long while, before I jet off to Sydney.
There's nothing much to say, except that Kelly and I did what we've not done for a long while.
Go out together, just the two of us, drink, dance like crazy, till the small wee hours of the morning.
Thumper, Attica, Living room. Home at 7.30am, school at 9.
I must be crazy. Or, leaving for Sydney the following night.
So this is it! My last visit to the party scene for the next 7 months.
See ya'll in Sydney.
Noise: Still by Foo Fighters.
P.S. Updates are taking ages because I've no wireless yet and this stolen one fluctuates more than I'd like.
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