Last weekend, we had an FHM shoot at home. Mara thought it apt to have our slippery couch act as prop for the most raunchy shoot I've seen to date. With several glamour models clad in only the most skimpy lingerie, along with several... toys on the coffee table, Henry and I were greeted with this when we arrived home, from church no less.

A shot of Henry really playing some serious touch rugby. FHM vs Action Sports. Who won? No idea. It was loads of fun though.

After touch rugby during lunch, it was bowling after work. FHM vs NewWoman, and myself - the honourary Action Sports player. This one's of the publication director, two newwoman women, and Chris from FHM... oh, and the food too!

Post/pre strike. I can't remember, he scored wayyy too many strikes.

Roosters VS the Broncos. Sydney VS Brisbane that is. Oh, we (Sydney) got trashed. :/

Real cheerleaders.

Lastly, a picture of us. Yes, he's been experimenting with the look of 'a beard'. Don't worry though, it's all gone now.

One more... During the course of my food poisoning night, Henry took off my necklaces that I hung on the door because he said it made lots of noise. He chucked it into a ball, and obviously, they all tangled up. This is him trying to reverse the process. Oh the poor boy.

More later.
Noise: Fox Tel. The greatest thing on Earth is having a million TV channels.
P.S. Speaking of Fox Tel, THEY BROADCAST DOOL!!! DAYS OF OUR LIVES!!!!! IS BACK!!! (And yes, even after not watching it for a year, I still know what's going on.)
1 comment:
WHAT?? You got DOOL?!!! Arrrggggghhhhhhhhhhhh............ What season is this? What's happening??
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